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The Ness-M1XEP is an Ethernet Device Server with a RS-232 Serial Port Interface. It may be used to connect a Control in the M1 Family to an Ethernet network using TCP-IP protocol.
It features a secure embedded web server with a user interface built on a Java applet, email event notification, and FIPS compliant encryption algorithms for security sensitive environments.
It is powered by a 12 Volts DC, 1.5 Amp power supply/adapter. A software setup utility is built into Ness RP (version 1.5.0 or later) for configuring the connection setup, network password, etc.
The M1XEP is factory defaulted to obtain a dynamic IP address from a DHCP server (i.e. Ethernet switch, cable modem, etc.), however it may also be setup with a static IP address.
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