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The Brooks Occupant Warning System (OWS) is capable of providing reliable audio and visual warnings to the building occupants via speakers and strobes in emergency conditions. The system can be either a standalone control panel or inside a fire panel enclosure.
A Brooks OWS inside a fire panel enclosure may or may not has the power supply monitoring board, the AC/DC power supply and the backup batteries, which depends on the fire panel power supply capacity and the application requirements.
Brooks OWS has the following features.
1. Automatically switch from alert to evacuation warnings in a configurable time period in emergency conditions.
2. Configurable audio warnings with pre-recorded digital voice messages.
- For Australian applications, it complies with the ISO7731 and the ISO8201 standards.
- For New Zealand applications, it complies with the NZS4512 and the AS2220.1 standards.
3. Support both local and remote public address with optional PA zone controls.
- Local PA facility via either a built-in electrets microphone or a hand-held dynamic microphone.
- Optional
up to 16 PA speaker zone controls. Each speaker zone is individually
monitored for short-circuit and open-circuit conditions.
- Optional remote desktop microphone with PA zone selections and a background music input.
4. Optional built-in monitored dual power sources.
5. Intuitive indications and controls via the well-grouped LED indicators and momentary switches.
6. A range of Brooks’s class-D 100V amplifiers.
- High power efficient with standby input to maximize power conservation.
- The available amplifiers are 20W, 60W, 120W and 250W.
7. Sufficient inputs and outputs connect to the fire panels and the warning devices.
- One
warning trigger input to activate the audio warnings from the fire
panel.- One OWS wiring fault relay output to report fault to the fire
- Power supply fault and power fail relay outputs from the optional power supply monitoring board to the fire panel.
One monitored bi-polarity strobe output to provide alert and evacuation
visual warnings. Brooks OWS come in the following configurations:
OWS20WFT 20 Watt Occupant Warning System fitted in FT128/FT512 c.i.e.
OWS60WFT 60 Watt Occupant Warning System fitted in FT128/FT512 c.i.e.
OWS120WFT 120 Watt Occupant Warning System fitted in FT128/512 c.i.e.
OWS250WFT 250 Watt Occupant Warning System fitted in FT128/FT512 c.i.e.