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CABAC 5W USB Charger 3Wire 5.2V 1Amp:
- The HNS070UC suits Apple, Samsung and all other smartphones, tablet brands or portable USB devices
- Fit up to 6x USB chargers in 1x wall plate
- High efficiency, only 50mW standby power
- Suits CABAC, Clipsal, HPM and Legrand style wall plates
- Bezels included
The HNS070UC suits Apple™, Samsung™ and all other smartphones, tablet brands or portable USB devices.
HNS070UC Features
• Fit up to 6x USB chargers in 1x wall plate
• Charge yout tablet overnight
• High efficiency, only 50mW standby power
• Requires Neutral
• Compensates for cable loses
• Suits a wide range Australian wall plates including Clipsal 2000 Series™, C2000™, Saturn™ Data, Slimline® Clipsal Standard, HPM Excel and Excel Life (bezels included)
• Suitable for Apple™ iPhones®, iPads®, iPods®
• Suitable for Samsung™ Galaxy Phones and Tablets
• Other Smartphones and Tablets
• Action Cameras
• eBook Readers
• GPS Units
• MP3/ MP4 Players
• Digital Cameras
• Any portable USB chargeable device
NOTE: The HNS070UC is designed to charge portable devices with an internal battery it should not be used as a continuous use power supply for devices without a battery.
The HNS070UC is to be installed as part of a fixed wire electrical installation. By law such installations must be made by an electrical contractor or similarly qualified person.