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The Local Control Station (BLCS1) provides for the manual release and discharge inhibit of the gas extinguishing agent. BLCS1 is interfaced to Brooks FT2-GAS control panel via a supervised 4 wires connection.
The GAS RELEASE function provides a manual initiate switch, incorporating a two-step action which initiates the normal system discharge sequence including fire and evacuation alarms, time delays, and equipment shutdowns and overrides the discharge inhibit switch. The operation of this switch has a visual indication at both the LCS and FT2Gas panel.
The GAS ISOLATE function provides a discharge inhibit switch that prevents automatic discharge of the extinguishing agent; stops and resets the normal system actuation control sequence; but does not override the operation of the manual initiate switch. The operation of this switch causes an audible and visual indication at the LCS and a visual indication at the FT2GAS panel.
The BLCS1 has been designed to be highly visible to the occupants when placed adjacent to the main emergency exit from the protected area.