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FM Antenna (88-108MHz) with VHF/UHF Input/Combiner

$43.10 List price: $56.20

If you are looking to receive FM signals the 03MM-1EFM is your choice of antenna. Its ring-type dipole antenna receives FM signals with ease at 88-108MHz. It also does a great job of filtering out 4G/5G LTE interference and comes with a quick mounting clamp which makes it easier and faster to install.View More Digital TV Antennas
Ring type FM dipole antennaReceives FM 88-108MHz4G LTE 694MHz low pass filterIncorporates FM/ UHF Band 3 Diplexer Quick mounting clamp for fast installation
Elements 1
Frequency 88-108MHz 170-230MHz 470-694MHz
Gain 8.5dB
Impedance 75 Ohm
Dimension Diameter 520mm
Balun Type "F Type PCB"