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Meerkat Push Button Muiti-Way Remote Dimming & On/Off

$39.80 List price: $51.70

Weight: 0.500 kg
Soft touch push button ON/ OFF switch.
Blue LED indicates device status.
Returns to OFF after loss of power.
Compatible with a wide range of load types including wire wound transformers & fan motors.
Compatible with Trader and Clipsal* Style wall plates.
Multi-Way Switching compatible with the MEPBMW Push Button, Multi-Way Remote, Dimming and On/Off.

Operating Voltage: 230 240V a.c. 50Hz
Operating Temperature: 0 to +50 C
Compliance Standard: CISPR15, AS/NZS 3100, AS/NZS 60669.2.1
Maximum Load: 1200W / 500VA
Maximum Current Capacity: 5A
Terminals: Screw Terminals suit 0.5mm2 to 1.5mm2 stranded cable
(bootlace terminal recommended)