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80 Degree Celsuis Biemetric Heat Detector

$60.00 List price: $79.20

Brooks HS80 is an 80 degree Celsius bimetallic heat detection switch, ideally suited to roof space heat detection applications. The HS80 is used in conjunction with other Radiolink alarm devices such as the EIB408RFH.

The normally open switch closes when the ambient temperature (roof space) reaches 80?C causing a clean contact input device remotely located to activate. It has four terminals for two wire parallel input/output, making daisy chaining simple.


Technical Specifications

Sensor Temperature Closed contact at 80ºC +/- 5ºC.
Voltage Range 0 -30 V
Quiescent/Alarm Current 0 mA
Dimensions 72mm diameter x 35mm height.
Material Polycarbonate ABS Combination 135⁰C
Colour White
Specifications are subject to change