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SOUDAL Fire Rated Silicon 310ml

$22.60 List price: $52.10

Weight: 0.500 kg
SOUDAL Fire Rated Silicon 310ml
Firecryl FR is a one-component intumescent plastoelastic joint sealant based on acrylic dispersions.
- Resist the passage of fire and smoke
– Fire resistant up to 4 hours with PE backer rod (EN 1366 Part 4-NBN713.020- BS 476/20)
– Intumescent in contact with fire
– Swells when exposed to temperatures in excess of 120°C
– Stays elastic and can be painted over
– Colourfast and waterproof after curing
– Very good adhesion on many porous surfaces
– Can be painted over after curing
- Interior fire-resistant applications
– Fire-resistant sealing compound for cracks in concrete and plaster
– Fire-resistant connection joints in the building industry

– Fire-resistant joints with movements up to 10%.

Ph: 1300 724 627

Ph: 1300 SCHNAP

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