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$1,112.30 List price: $1,445.90

Weight: 1.000 kg
Perform 8860 Series functions on your PC
  • Application software enables you to perform the same data analysis on a Windows computer as on the 8860 Series MEMORY HiCORDERs.
  • No confusion, because the screens appearing on the computer are identical to those of the 8860 Series.
  • Functions identical to those of the 8860 Series, such as waveform processing calculation, run on the computer.
Basic specifications
Compatible devices MEMORY HiCORDER 8860-50, 8861-50, 8860, 8861
Operating environment Computer running under Windows 7 (32/64-bit), Vista (32-bit), XP, 2000
File loading Readable data formats : Only for 8860 Series data (.MEM, .REC, .FFT, .RSM, .RSR, .SEQ, .IDX, .RSI, .R_M, .SET)
Maximum file size : 2 GW
File saving Saved contents: measurement data (binary and ASCII), (partial saving of the area between cursors A and B), setting conditions, screen image (BMP, PNG), and calculation results
  • Waveform display: 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 6-, and 8-split screen, horizontal, vertical, consecutive scroll, and zoom in/out along the time axis, move the zero position, zoom in/out, setting of variables independently for each channel
  • X-Y-axis composite display (for the MEM function only): 1-, 2-, and 4-split display, dot/line interpolation, composite area can be specified
  • Numerical display: digital values of waveform data can be displayed
  • Display sheet: 16 sheets
  • Display channel count (per sheet): 32 analog channels, 16 logic channels, 16 calculated waveforms, 8 X-Y-axis composite waveforms
  • Cursor function: vertical cursor, horizontal cursor, trace cursor, two cursors (cursor A and cursor B), time and voltage display
  • Clipboard copy: images on the waveform screen can be transferred to the clipboard
  • Supported printer: printer compatible with the OS
  • Print format: waveform image (1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 6-, 8-, and 16-split), numerical print, report format, list print, calculation results, screen image
  • Print area: the entire area, area between cursors A and B
  • Print preview