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Weatherproof 1 x 20w LED Fitting


Weight: 11.000 kg

Weatherproof 1 x 20w LED Fitting:

 Dimension: 1200mm x 120mm x 110mm

The WPL range is an IP65 protected weatherproofluminaire ideal for internal or external use in corrosive,wet or dirty atmospheres, and is suitable for surfaceor pendant mounting. The luminaire employs apolycarbonate body and an opal polycarbonatediffuser.In general, polycarbonate is suitable for areas in whichmost alcohol or diluted and semi-concentrated acidsare in use, with the exception of Benzoic, Hydrochloric,Carbolic or Nitric acid. Polycarbonate is not suitablewhere Alkalis, Ethers / Esters, Aldehydes, Phenols,Ketones, Hydrocarbons, Halogenated organics, orNitriles are in use. Polycarbonate is resistant to mostsubstances used for disinfecting, as long as theconcentrations are low.Stainless steel diffuser retaining toggles are supplied asstandard, and the stainless steel mounting clips (alsostandard) negate the need for drilling into the luminairebody, thus maintaining the integrity of the IP65 rating.In addition, the diffuser remains attached to the bodyupon opening thanks to the outer toggles, leaving thehands free for installation or maintenance.


  • IP65 rating
  • Polycarbonate body and opal diffuser
  • LED system >50,000 hrs
  • Cable entry at both ends
  • Gear tray white powder coated zinc steel with nylonfixing clips
  • Stainless steel diffuser retaining toggles as std
  • Stainless steel mounting brackets as std
  • EMC compliant to 300 MHz
  • Suitable for surface or pendant mounting


»» Marinas, wharves

»» Security areas

»» Dairies

»» Pump or plant rooms, service stations, watertreatment plants

»» Factories, warehouses

»» Public buildings